Morning Monday through Friday 7:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Afternoon Tuesday and Thursday 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Monday through Friday 7:00 AM – 10:30 AM
by appointment only


Use a sterile containter. Apply the label with your first and last name to the container. 

Collect a sample of urine in the container. Accurately close the container so that the urine does not leak during transport.

Children (using diapers)

Collect in a paedriatic urine collection bag (available in any Pharmacy).
1. Apply the bag to the genital area fixing the bag over the perineum and the pubic area. 
2. As soon as the urine has passed, remove the bag and seal it properly. 

How to preserve the sample

Take the urine to the laboratory within two hours from urination.  If you prefer, you may provide the urine sample directly to the laboratory. The sample must be handed in before 12.00pm.


Unless otherwise stated, it is recommended to collect the urine in the morning.
The containers for collection (disposable sterile containers) are supplied by the laboratory or are available at any pharmacy. Apply the label to the container with your first and last name.

Preliminary conditions

Any chemical-antibiotic treatment should be suspended at least five days prior to collection.

1. Wash the the urethral orifice and the surrounding area thoroughly with soap and water, rinse and dry.
2. Let the first amount of urine pass without collection.
3. Collect the mid-stream urine sample directly into the container. 
4. Accurately close the container so that the urine does not spill during transport.

1. Retract foreskin, wash the urethral orifice and the surrounding area thoroughly with soap and water, rinse and dry.
2. Keeping the foreskin retracted, let the first amount of urine pass without collection.
3. Collect the mid-stream urine sample directly into the container. 
4. Accurately close the container so that the urine does not spill during transport.

Children (using diapers)
Collect in a paedriatic urine collection bag (available in any Pharmacy).
1. Wash the pubic area and the external genitals with water and detergent, rinse thoroughly and dry.
2. Apply the bag to the genital area, covering the perineum and pubic area.
3. If after one hour the child has not urinated, take the bag off and substitute it, washing the area again.
4. As soon as the urine has passed, take the bag off and seal it.

How to preserve the sample 
raccolta campioni urineTake the sample to the laboratory within two hours of urinating. The sample must be handed in before 12.00 pm. 


Preliminary Conditions
Procure a sterile container (2.5 litres circa) available at any pharmacy. Apply the label with your first and last name to the container.

Start the sample collection in the morning, discarding first urination. Collect all the following urinations, including nocturnal ones up to the following morning (at the same time you discarded the first one the day before). Store the container in a cool place during collection.
The sample must be handed in before 12:00 (noon).

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